
Shattered Moments: The Night My 'Normal' Broke

  2012. I was 28 years old, and the walls of my life were closing in on me faster than I could breathe. My daughter, just six months old, had become my world. But my world felt like it was spinning out of control. What I didn’t realize then, what I couldn’t see through the fog of anger and pain, was that the real battle wasn’t with my wife or my circumstances—it was with myself. I stood in the middle of the kitchen, the remnants of another fight still thick in the air. My wife had retreated to another room, her silence heavy with exhaustion—not from our newborn, but from me. I had become someone I didn’t recognize—someone I hated. The words I hurled at her, sharp and cruel, were weapons I wielded without thought, aiming at the person I vowed to love and protect. But it was me who felt wounded, like I was fighting a war I didn’t even understand. I glanced at my daughter, sleeping peacefully in her crib nearby, oblivious to the storm brewing in her parents’ lives. What kind of father am

Out of the Darkness: A Tale of Redemption and Second Chances

I'll never forget the day I died. It was a warm fall evening, September 3rd, 2005. My life's journey began in darkness, so naturally in darkness my path would follow. I was 21 years old and had become a leader of a small gang of rebels whose sole purpose was to party like rock stars and rule as kings, and we did. I had started drinking alcohol and doing drugs around age six, so I had mastered the indulgences of debauchery and organized crime. Well... so I thought. On this night, one of our crew members was celebrating his 16th birthday, so in our true fashion we didn't hesitate to pull out all the stops. We had all the inebriations you can think of... liquor, pills, shrooms, acid, etc... etc... and as their elder and leader I felt the need to display my dominance and ability to indulge to the fullest. So, I did, but little did I know... that decision would cost me my life. I remember very clearly every detail of this experience. Having started indulging at such an early age